+49 911 23980-870

The toujou element library


With toujou you will find preconfigured widgets with the necessary freedom where you need it. You have access to complex forms, manual or automated product presentations, and freely combinable HTML elements.

Header: Headercontent Element | Header media 3:1
Other widgets: Product Grid | Previous/Next Page Navigation | Forms | Social Media | Event Teaser List | Location finder | Code block | HTML


On this page you will find all the widget elements available in toujou. We’ve used dummy text in the library to prevent confusion. 

For detailed instructions, click on the buttons located below every sample element to get to the element description.


I am the button ❯

toujou widget elements

Headercontent element

Header media element 3:1 ratio

Product grid

Previous/Next Page Navigation


Contact us

Social Media Bar

Sample view

Location finder

To display third-party maps, we need your consent.

For more information, please see our privacy policy.

Code Block

    const test = "This is a variable";

function add (a,b) {
	return a + b;

All HTML elements

In order to be completly free, with toujou you also have the possibility to create your own HTML elements. There are multiple sizes of plain HTML or combinations with text.

Plain HTML Code in grid width
HTML full-width 
Plain HTML Code in full page width
HTML with Text (left, 33%) 
HTML width: 33%, Text width: 67%
HTML with Text (right, 33%) 
HTML width: 33%, Text width: 67%
HTML with Text (left, 50%) 
HTML width: 50%, Text width: 50%
HTML with Text (right, 50%) 
HTML width: 50%, Text width: 50%
HTML with Text (left, 67%) 
HTML width: 67%, Text width: 33%
HTML with Text (right, 67%) 
HTML width: 67%, Text width: 33%
HTML with Multicolumn Text left 
Three equal-width columns, HTML in first column
HTML with Multicolumn Text right 
Three equal-width columns, HTML in last column