Logo slider element
A slider with multiple logos centered on the page.
Item ID: 05-004
Sample views Step by step guide Screen adaption
Sample views
Step by step guide
Create an image
- Click the +Content button and select the Logo Slider element in the Media tab.
- Choose Add image/Add media file in the Content tab.
- Select one or several image file(s) from your file list or upload the desired files to the appropriate folder. To activate the slider you should always have uploaded more images then displayed in the Frontend.
Automatic replay of media
If you use more than one media source within the same element, you have the option to have automatic replay. To ensure a fluid playback, all media is played using the same format (16:9).
- Slide automatically: Activate the slider by clicking on ito set up the automatic replay.
- Interval of auto slidings (in seconds): The default speed for images is every 6 seconds. If you would like to change this frequency, move the slider accordingly on a scale from 1 to 15 seconds (this will only work if the slide automatically is activated).
Screen adaption
The Logo Slider element enables you to display multiple images in a gallery loop. Make sure the aspect ratio of the images selected is similar and avoid mixing portrait and landscape formats.
The slider is only working properly, when more images are stored than are displayed in the frontend. For different devices there are different numbers, e.g. for desktop it works with 5 images, for smartphones 3 images are enough.
Responsive: The logo slider element is displayed at a fixed ratio for all available screen sizes.